Section 1.i Definition.
A committee is a group within the Local Chapter that is tasked with carrying out an internal function for the chapter. There are two types of committee that the Chapter recognizes: Ad Hoc Committees and Standing Committees.
Section 1.ii. Ad Hoc Committees.
Ad Hoc Committees exist for a limited and explicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote by General Membership at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter or by vote of the Steering Committee. An explicit and limited set of goals for the Ad Hoc Committee whose fulfillment would abolish the committee must be presented at the meeting and must also be made available to the membership upon request. Ad Hoc Committees may be dissolved at any time by a majority vote of either the Steering Committee or by General Membership at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter.
Section 1.iii. Standing Committees.
Standing Committees are not limited to an explicit duration. Standing Committees may be established by a vote by General Membership at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter. A Standing Committee is created by a Resolution passed by the General Meeting that contains a charter that details the purpose of the committee, the powers granted to the committee, and the internal structure and functioning of the committee. Standing Committee charters may be amended by a vote of a General Meeting of the Local Chapter. A Standing Committee that has not met for at least three (3) months will be considered defunct. If a Standing Committee is found to be defunct, the Steering Committee will schedule a vote for dissolution of the defunct Standing Committee at the next available Chapter Meeting and notify General Membership.
If the Steering Committee finds that a Standing Committee has failed to conduct its internal affairs according to DSA Eugene-Springfield bylaws or to have acted in violation of formally adopted resolutions or policies of DSA Eugene-Springfield, the Steering Committee may vote to suspend all officially sanctioned meetings, operations, and/or business of the Standing Committee until the next General Meeting of the Local Chapter, at which point General Membership will vote on the question of dissolving the Standing Committee.
Section 2.i Definition.
A Working Group is a subgroup of the Local Chapter that does external organizing.
The Chapter Secretary will keep a regularly-updated list of recognized Working Groups.
Section 2.ii Working Group Membership.
Chapter members are considered to be Working Group Members if they have attended at least one (1) meeting of the Working Group and have registered their desire to become a member with the Working Group Secretary. Working Group Members are responsible for executing their respective body’s strategy in fulfillment of its objectives. A Working Group Member who has been absent for three (3) consecutive regularly-scheduled Working Group meetings and has not notified the Working Group Secretary ahead of time of the absences in question will cease to be considered a Working Group Member. A former Working Group Member who has ceased being considered a Working Group Member due to absences can regain Working Group Member status by attending a Working Group meeting and registering their desire to become a member with the Working Group Secretary. Only Working Group Members may vote during Working Group meetings or run for positions within the Working Group. A quorum of four (4) Working Group Members is required for Working Group meetings to conduct business.
Section 2.iii Formation and Dissolution of Working Groups.
General Membership is empowered to create and dissolve working groups by voting to do so at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter. Members interested in starting a Working Group shall submit a proposal to the Steering Committee detailing the scope and goals of the proposed Working Group along with the names of at least eight members who commit to regular participation in the proposed Working Group. If the Steering Committee determines the proposal is actionable, the Steering Committee will schedule for the proposal to be voted on by General Membership at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter. A Working Group that has not met with quorum for at least three months will be considered defunct. If a Working Group is found to be defunct, the Steering Committee will schedule a vote for dissolution of the defunct Working Group at the next available Chapter Meeting and notify General Membership. If the Steering Committee finds that a Working Group has failed to conduct its internal affairs according to DSA Eugene-Springfield bylaws or to have acted in violation of formally adopted resolutions or policies of DSA Eugene-Springfield, the Steering Committee may vote to suspend the meetings, operations, and business of the Working Group until the next General Meeting of the Local Chapter, at which point General Membership will vote on the question of dissolving the Working Group.
Section 2.iv. Working Group Leadership.
The leadership of each DSA Eugene-Springfield Working Group will consist of at least one and at most two (2) Working Group Chairs and at least one at most two Working Group Secretaries. Working Group Leadership terms will be set for six (6) months, but there are no limits on the number of terms a member may serve in Working Group Leadership. Working Group Leadership members must be members in good standing of national DSA for the duration of their term.
Section 2.v. Working Group Chair.
Working Group Chairs will preside over Working Group meetings and coordinate the day-to-day operations and work of the Working Group. Working Group Chairs will also act as liaisons to the Steering Committee. Working Group Chairs are empowered to liaise with external organizations on behalf of the Local Chapter, but they must get approval from Steering Committee to officially act in coalition with another organization for an event or get approval from general membership to officially act in coalition with another organization for a campaign lasting longer than thirty (30) days.
Working Group Chairs will collaborate with their Working Group Secretaries to ensure the timely dissemination of meeting announcements, agendas, and minutes to membership.
Section Working Group Secretary.
Working Group Secretaries will maintain an up-to-date list of Working Group Members. They may temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Working Group Chair if the Chair or Chairs are not available. Working Group Secretaries will work with Working Group Chairs to ensure agendas are made and distributed prior to Working Group Meetings and adequate minutes are taken during all Working Group Meetings. Working Group Secretaries will be responsible for updating the agenda and the minutes of all Working Group meetings, and shall have custody of these minutes, resolutions, reports, and other official records of the Working Group. Working Group Secretaries may delegate the tasks of writing meeting minutes and agendas, but ultimate responsibility for these tasks being completed is held by the Working Group Secretary. They shall transfer official records in good condition to their successor. Official records will include meeting minutes, member lists, and voting/election results. Working Group Secretaries will coordinate with the Chapter Secretary to ensure that Working Group records are successfully integrated into the Local Chapter records. Working Group Secretaries will be responsible for making all official Working Group documents available for viewing upon request by any Chapter member.
A Section is a group of members that associate due to a shared identity. The Chapter Secretary will keep a regularly-updated list of recognized Sections and ensure the Website is up-to-date with them. A Section is created when a group of three or more members notifies the Steering Committee of their intent to create the Section based on shared identity. Members of the Section will designate at least one (1) Section Contact and create a charter for the Section that include qualifications for membership in the Section. The Section Contact will be responsible for communicating with the Steering Committee about the activities and business of the Section.
Sections may be dissolved by a vote by General Membership at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter if the General Membership finds the Section to be defunct, to have failed to conduct its internal affairs according to DSA Eugene-Springfield bylaws, or to have acted in violation of formally adopted resolutions or policies of DSA Eugene-Springfield.
An Association is a group of members that associate due to a shared interest. The Chapter Secretary will keep a regularly-updated list of recognized Associations and ensure the website is up-to-date with them. An Association is created when a group of three (3) or more members notifies the Steering Committee of their intent to create the Association. Members of the Association will designate at least one Association Contact. The Association Contact will be responsible for communicating with the Steering Committee about the activities and business of the Association, as well as with the Growth, Development, and Outreach Committee. Associations may be dissolved by a vote of the Steering Committee or a vote by General Membership at a General Meeting of the Local Chapter if either body finds the Association to be defunct, to have failed to conduct its internal affairs according to DSA Eugene-Springfield bylaws, or to have acted in violation of formally adopted resolutions or policies of DSA Eugene-Springfield.