campaign update:

Boycott Bigfoot!

Members have been hard at work supporting Teamsters Local 324 members on strike at Bigfoot Beverages. These workers have been on strike for more than 120 days, and we’ve been there every step of the way.

Our major focus has been the Bigfoot Boycott campaign – we’ve got a website with full details,

Some stats:

  • More than 10,000 people have visited the website
  • We’ve got close to a dozen local businesses supporting the boycott
  • We’ve printed at least 5,000 posters that have been hung up around town

We need your help! Do you have paper? Please donate it to the cause! We’re looking for as much letter-sized plain colored paper as possible. Please bring any paper you’ve got to the office, 454 Willamette St at Growers Market!